Monday, January 28, 2013

Post Alpha-Bits Cereal

Having never tried the Post Alpha-Bits cereal before, my daughter and I really did enjoy it.  My three year old daughter first of all LOVES the Super Why cartoon and is also beginning to learn her alphabet letters.  With that said, she naturally liked the cereal too:-)  I would say that the flavor of the cereal has the consistency of a cheerio that is lightly sweetened with a marshmallow flavor (that is my best description).  The health factor of it was good and therefore I didn't mind her and I enjoying the cereal.  She asked for it almost every morning for breakfast so I know that she liked the flavor of it and not just the characters on the box; although it was the characters on the box that made her the most excited to eat it of course.  Now that the box of cereal is gone she has frequently asked me to buy it in the store again.  I would recommend this Post Alpha-Bits cereal to anyone that has a young child and wants them to eat well.  We will continue buying this cereal in the future.  A huge thank you to BzzAgent for giving me the opportunity to try this product for free in exchange for an honest product review.

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