Friday, January 28, 2011

"SoulPrint" By, Mark Batterson

This book entitled "SoulPrint" is written by Mark Batterson. This book implores you to take a look at your own life to find what you are truly destined to be; find your soul print. Mark does an excellent job explaining and describing how to find your unique soul print. He expresses the need of past experience, integrity, embarrassment, and acknowledgment of sins as helping you to define your unique skills and self discovery. He does this through following David as he goes through joyous times, times of battle, and difficult times all as part of God’s divine plan for him.

He explains thoroughly throughout the book that each of our soul prints are as unique as our fingerprints and that God’s plan for our life is not the same as his plan for anyone else. He expresses that each of us needs to strive to find ourselves and not be defined by others but to be defined solely by God. This book was excellent and I would highly recommend it to anyone. In my life, as I am sure it is in most lives, I tend to define myself by what others expect or what is socially acceptable. This book can help anyone from any walk of life to navigate your way back to the path that God intends you to be on. I received a free copy of this book for an honest review through Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers.

"Adventures in BoogaBooga Land: Squid Sushi Loses His Marble" (DVD) by, Thomas Nelson

The dvd entitled Adventures in BoogaBooga Land: Squid Sushi Loses His Marble is a children’s dvd that teaches three parables. The dvd contains three episodes, one for each of the parables and each episode is about 15 minutes in length. The three parables that it portrays are: the lost pearl (Matthew 13:45-46), the soil and the seeds (Matthew 13:24-30), and the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:2-14). Although I was looking for a great new Christian dvd for my daughter this one was a bit of a disappointment to me. I was expecting to see a show that was different than most other cartoons because it was based on the Bible. The only way that I could tell that it was a Christian dvd was the fact that it told the Bible verse that the parable came from before each of the segments began.

The first parable portrayed on the dvd was the parable of the lost pearl. I did not feel that it had a very good story line and that it didn’t relate anything to the kingdom of heaven or even hint at it. The second parable portrayed was the soil and the seed and had nothing to do with the parable at all. The third parable portrayed was the wedding banquet and by far, out of the three, this one made the most sense and had a good enough cartoon storyline to go along with it.

The characters of this series are just average but lack a bit of energy. The Christian values don’t seem to be represented much in these movies because there are a lot of characters getting hurt (splatted, sling-shotted, catapulted, etc.) with no apologies or asking if they are alright. I wouldn’t really recommend this dvd to anyone with the vision of helping their child learn about the Bible stories but if you would like just a typical cartoon then this dvd would be fine for that. I received a free copy of this book for an honest review through the publishers at

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Lady In Waiting" by Susan Meissner

I just got finished reading Lady in Waiting by Susan Meissner, and I absolutely loved it! I have to admit that I like history but do not spend much time studying it nor do I know a lot of history, especially when it comes to English history. Even with that said I could not put this historical fiction novel down. I only read it in the evening when my daughter went to bed and still managed to finish it in just three days. This book had the perfect amount of history and fiction mixed together to create a beautiful story. This novel is about two Janes of different times; one of the present day United States (Jane Lindsay) and one of the 16th Century England (Lady Jane Grey). The two stories intertwine when Jane Lindsay is intrigued when she finds and old ring with an inscription and her first name. Both present day Jane and 16th Century Jane have trials with their marriages and struggle to find who they truly are and want to be. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that is interested in history and/or just enjoys a really well written fiction novel. This book entices you to keep reading to find out the story of the two Janes. I received a free copy of this book for an honest review through Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers.