This book entitled God Gave Us So Much contains three full stories from the perspective of a little polar bear. The first section of the book is entitled God Gave Us The World. In this story it talks about how God made each of us different in the ways we look, act, where we live, and what we eat. It also discusses how we need to protect the world because God made it special for us. The second section of the book is entitled God Gave Us Love. This book talks about the three types of love but in terms that kids can understand. It teaches that God gave us love but it is up to us to choose to love others. The last section of the book is entitled God Gave Us Heaven. This book delicately talks about death and all of the glories of heaven that we cannot even fathom. It also discusses how we can only get to heaven through Jesus and that we won’t need to bring things from this world with us. The illustrations in the entire book are very cute and eye catching for kids. These three books all have great messages for kids of all ages about God. My only critique for this book is that the stories all are in a short conversation format but the illustrations seem to take place at various locations throughout a full day; they don’t completely go together in a cohesive timeline. I received a free copy of this book for an honest review through Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers.